Donnish Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

August 2018 Vol. 4(2), pp. 009-014

ISSN: 2984-8806

Copyright © 2018 Donnish Journals

Original Research Paper

Why Patients Miss Their Appointments - A Survey

Rohit Fernandez1*, Yahya Sayed Suliman Atassi2, Khalid Zaki Fakiha2, Waleed Suhail Kalloub2, Mahdi Alsaileek2, Meshal Al Shammary2, Zakria Omar Al Yami2 and Mujahed Barakahs2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Riyadh Elm University, P.O Box 84891, Saudi Arabia - 11681.
2Dental Interns, Riyadh Elm University, P.O Box 84891, Saudi Arabia - 11681.

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Accepted 30th June, 2018.


Introduction: Patient’s missing their appointments is a problem all dental practitioners face and which can immensely affect the productivity of their work. Patients may report with a variety of reasons to explain their tardiness and hope for immunity. This study embarked upon the aim to ascertain what reasons a patient would prioritize over a dental visit. Materials and Methods: This study focused on patients visiting the University hospital at Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A total of 477 complete questionnaires were analyzed. The survey consisted of questions pertaining to reasons that influenced patients to miss their appointments. Results: Among the participants, it was seen that the most significant reasons (p<0.05) for patients to miss their appointments were; the quality of treatment rendered, duration of appointments, satisfaction with clinic personnel, ease of communication with receptionist, accuracy of SMS reminders, unavailability of babysitters, personal health status and religious obligations. Conclusions: Patients considered being treated by a dental student under the guidance of an instructor to be very relevant in their decision to miss a dental appointment. Unavailability of Childcare showed to be one among the least important reasons to miss one’s appointment. The Holy month of Ramadan or other religious obligations were not a major factor for missing appointments but mostly affected patients above the age of 36 years in the present study. Cost of treatment at the University was also not relevant to cause patients to miss their appointments. The long duration of treatment and lack of issuance of sick leave forms were considered important factors for those patients living outside Riyadh.

Keywords: Dental appointment, Dental Clinic, Tardy Patients, University hospitals, Dental student problems.

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Rohit Fernandez, Yahya Sayed Suliman Atassi, Khalid Zaki Fakiha, Waleed Suhail Kalloub, Mahdi Alsaileek, Meshal Al Shammary, Zakria Omar Al Yami and Mujahed Barakahs. Why Patients Miss Their Appointments - A Survey. Donnish Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene 4(2) 2018 pp. 009-014.

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