Donnish Journal of Food Science and Technology
October 2016 Vol. 2(1), pp. 001-009
ISSN: 2984-889X
Copyright © 2016 Donnish Journals
Original Research Paper
Quality Characteristics of Tomato Juice Produced and Preserved with and without its Seeds
Igile, G.O.*, Ekpe, O.O., Essien, N.M., Bassey, S.C. and Agiang, M.A.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, P.M.B 1115, Calabar, Nigeria.
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Accepted 16th September, 2015.
The aim of this study was to process tomato juice from ripe tomatoes with (JS) or without its seeds (J), and to evaluate the overall quality outcome of the final products. Proximate composition of the juice gave fat content for juice without seeds (0.79±0.05g/100g) and juice with seeds (1.62±0.02g/100g). There was significant (p>0.05) increase in protein content in the juice without seed (11.89±0.08g/100g) and juice with seed (12.38±0.06g/100g) when compared to the raw tomato (8.81±0.09g/100g). The fiber content of the juice with seed (8.15±0.04g/100g) was significantly (p>0.05) higher than in juice without seed (4.26±0.05g/100g), and the raw tomatoes (5.04±0.08g/100g). The energy value of processed tomato juice (with seed, 158.50±0.29 kcal/100g; and without seed, 142.67±0.67 kcal/100g), was significantly (p>0.05) higher than in raw tomatoes (118.63±0.32 kcal/100g). Processing significantly increased the sugar content in tomato juice to 3.62±0.01g/100g (without seed) and 3.39±0.04g/100g (with seed) from 2.79±0.01g/100g in raw tomatoes. Processing slightly decreased Vitamin C content in the processed juice (151.00±1.00 mg/100g without seed), and (154.67±0.33 mg/100g with seed), while Vitamin C concentration in the raw tomatoes was 157.33±0.33mg/100g. Vit A content decreased to 3954.67±11.35IU in juice without seed and 3943.67±34.16IU with seed, from 4126.00±83.43IU in raw tomatoes. Vit K content decreased significantly (p<0.05) in processed juice, 1.30±0.02 μg/100g without seed and 1.41±0.02μg/100g with seed) from raw tomatoes (1.49±0.04μg/100g). Processing significantly (p<0.05) reduced the titratable acidity in the juice (without seed). Significant amount of elements and vitamins were also concentrated in the juice (J). The study showed that tomato juice without seed was more stable under shelf-life when compared to juice with seed, and this was attributable to the impact of oxidative rancidity of the fat in JS. It was concluded that tomato juice can be processed locally to meet regulatory standards, and that J showed better keeping quality and can be packaged for commercial purposes. It was concluded also that J was a healthy drink for human consumption as it contains essential nutrients and was free from products of oxidative rancidity.
Keywords: Tomatoes, Juice, Vitamins, Mineral elements, Nutrients.
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Igile, G.O., Ekpe, O.O., Essien, N.M., Bassey, S.C. and Agiang, M.A. Quality Characteristics of Tomato Juice Produced and Preserved with and without its Seeds. Donnish Journal of Food Science and Technology 2(1) 2016 pp. 001-009.
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