Donnish Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

August 2020 Vol. 6(2), pp. 009-015


Copyright © 2020 Donnish Journals

Original Research Article

Quality of Vaccination Programmes in the Bamenda Health District, Cameroon, Compared with the WHO Recommended Standards

Ndipowa James Attangeur Chimfutumba1*, Kamga Henri Lucien2 and Paul Mbangwana1

1Faculty of Health Sciences, Bamenda University of Science and Technology, (BUST)
2Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bamenda (UBA)

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Accepted 30th August, 2020.


The Bamenda Health District has been a victim of several upsurges of vaccine-preventable diseases, which are sometimes not well reported or rather not given the well-deserved attention. This phenomenon has tended to render the vaccination programmes in the health district questionable. This was the motivation behind the research topic “Quality of Vaccination Programmes in the Bamenda Health District (BHD) Compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Recommended Standards”. Our main objective was to compare the quality of the vaccination programmes in the Bamenda Health District with the WHO recommended standards. A descriptive, cross-sectional, explorative, and comparative survey was carried out in which multistage random sampling was done to obtain a sample size of 414 participants. Key findings revealed an inefficient cold chain system characterised by poor Vaccine Vail Monitoring (VVM); a precarious socio-political climate compounded by insecurity; and inadequate vaccination organisation characterised by multiple flaws and lapses. It was concluded that there are massive flaws and inadequacies in the organisation of vaccination campaigns in the Bamenda Health District that need to be addressed appropriately and promptly. The vaccination programmes in the BHD are therefore substandard with regards to WHO recommended standards. We recommend the powers that be to create an enabling and safe environment for efficient and effective vaccination campaigns. Public health authorities and stakeholder should redouble their efforts to right the flaws and address the inadequacies in vaccination programmes.

Keywords: Vaccination, Standards, Guidelines, Protocols, Challenges, Herd, Immunity.

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Ndipowa James Attangeur Chimfutumba, Kamga Henri Lucien, and Paul Mbangwana. Quality of Vaccination Programmes in the Bamenda Health District, Cameroon, Compared with the WHO Recommended Standards. Donnish Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 6(2) 2020 pp. 009-015. doi:

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