About | DJEMT

Donnish Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Technology (DJEMT)is an open access academic refereed journal published monthly by Donnish Journals. (ISSN: 2984-8857)

DJEMT publishes research articles that report premier fundamental discoveries and inventions, and the applications of those discoveries, unconfined by traditional discipline barriers. All articles published by DJEMT are published in English.

The objective of DJEMT is to publish the most significant as well as innovative articles all areas Biomedical Research; in other to accelerate the sharing and free-access of knowledge.

The scope of the journal is broad and it includes but not limited to the following areas of specialty:

a. Material Science

Advanced Glasses and Ceramics, Advanced Prosthetic Materials, Application of Ionic Liquid, Biomedical Materials Processing, Chemical Synthesis of Functional Materials, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials, Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Battery, Electrode Position and Electroless Plating, Magnetoelectric Composites, Micro/nano Capsulation, Microstructure Characterization of Solid State Materials, Microwave Materials and Measurement, Nanofibre and Nanohollow Fibre Processing, Nano-materials and their application in devices, Photo-electronic Thin Films, Semiconductor Materials, Surface Wettability, Synthesis, Modification and Applications of Nanomaterials, Thermoelectric materials, etc.

b. Civil Engineering

Bionics, Concrete Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Methods, Foundation Treatment, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Ocean Engineering Structure, Pile foundation, Project Risk Analysis and Safety Evaluation, Soil Dynamics, Soil Improvement, Stability Theories, Steel Structures, etc.

c. Chemical Engineering

Applied Thermodynamics, Biomass Utilization, Bioseparation Science and Technology, Biotransformation on Steroids, Biotransformation, Catalytic Reaction, Chemical Process Intensification, Chemicals Production from Coal, Colloidal and Interface Science, Computer Simulation and Bioprocess Design, Fine Chemicals and Their Synthetic Technology, Heterogeneous Polymerization Technology, Heterogeneous Reactions and Catalysis, In Vivo and In Vitro Biocatalysis, Integration and Intensification, Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment, Membrane Distillation with Solar Energy, Optimum Design of Reactors, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymerization Engineering, Process Modeling, Protein Folding, Reactor Design and CFD Simulation, Supercritical Fluid Technology Based Micronization, Superhydrophobic Film, Synthetic and Bionic Membranes, Tissue Engineering, etc.

d. Mechanical Engineering

Alloy Design and Synthesis of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Automatic Control, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Construction Machinery Design, Cryogenics Systems, Diagnostics of Machinery Product, Fault Tolerant Control, Hybrid Control, Kinematics and Dynamic Analysis of Robot, Machine Vision, Mechanical Design, Mechanics, Micro/Nano Manipulation, Microscale Thermal and Flow Analysis, Multibody (rigid or flexible) Dynamic Analysis, Neural Fuzzy Control, Optical Design, Optical Metrology, Optimal Mechanical Design, Parallel Robot and Mobile Manipulators, Plasticity, Precision Manufacturing, Process Integration and Energy Conservation, Quality Control, Reverse Engineering, Robotic Mechanism and Control System Design, Swarm Intelligence, Vibration and Modal Analysis, Vibration and Noise Analysis, etc.

e. Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Band, Biomedical, Communication Systems, Computational Electromagnetic Fields, Controls Automation and Smart Machine, Data Encryption, Digital, DSP, Electric Power System Security and Contingency Planning, Electrical Machines and Drives, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Dielectrics, Electronic Warfare, Energy Scavenging, Fiber Optics Communication, Fiber Optic Devices, Fiber Laser, Optical Networking, Free-Space Optics, Optoelectronics, Image Processing, Inverse Optimal Control, MEMS, Analog IC Design, Device Physics, IC Fabrication and Packaging, Microelectronics, Microwave Active and Passive Circuits, Millimeter Wave and Ultrawide, Mobile and Cellular, Multivariable Control, Networking, Nonlinear Dynamics, Non-linear Dynamics, Pattern and Face Recognition Systems and Microprocessor-Based Systems, Radar, RF Circuit Design, Satellite, Sensor Network, Signal Processing and Communications, Signaling, Solar Photo Voltaic, VLSI, FPGA, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless, etc.

f. Marine/Ocean Engineering

Marine engineering technology, marine systems engineering.

All articles that are submitted to this journal are made to undergo sectioning to ensure that they are in line with the scope of DJEMT and as well as the instructions for authors. Thereafter they are double-blindedly peer-reviewed by both internal and external reviewers. More than 100 reviewers are working diligently to shorten the review cycle of the academic research publication; and help researchers to pay more attention on the research itself, not waiting for too long, for suggestions from reviewers.

To be accepted, a paper must be judged to be truly outstanding in its field and to be of interest to a wide audience. The primary criteria during the review and selection process of the submitted papers are; sound theoretical basis, valid empirical application and analysis, and contribution to the fields of agriculture. The primary criteria in the final selection of the papers once the review process is complete are quality, originality, and relevance to the international agricultural fields.


Copyright is a major issue for DJEMT. Manuscript submission and their accessibility is not an infringement of copyright. All articles in DJEMT remain the property of their authors.


The contents of published articles represent solely the ideas of authors. Editors as well as Board of Editors of DJEMT are not responsible for the views expressed by authors. However, the Editorial Board of DJEMT takes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal Editorial Board and legal restrain acting against plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.

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